Healed by the Single Dad Doc Page 12
‘Can I come in?’ She was clearly unwilling to squeeze past him as he stood motionless, blocking the doorway.
‘Uh...yes, of course.’ Ethan remembered his manners and showed her through to the conservatory. A bottle of wine stood ready, and he poured a glass for her and a glass of sparkling water for himself.
He shooed her from the kitchen when she tried to help with cooking the steaks, reckoning that a steady hand was probably wise when dealing with a hot pan. He served the dinner, eating almost nothing in favour of watching her. It seemed that Kate, too, was on her best behaviour.
But dessert changed all that. When he set the two glass dishes on the table, she let out a little scream.
‘I made it myself.’
‘Home-made tiramisu! We can’t possibly eat this here.’ An impish smile spread across her face.
‘Where do you want to eat it?’ He followed the direction of her pointing spoon, and smiled. ‘Good idea.’
He opened the doors of the conservatory, picking up a rug from one of the chairs and spreading it on the lawn, at the place where the lights from the house met the dark shadows at the end of the garden. Kate almost danced after him, holding the two dishes.
‘So, you’re not one of those doctors who gives a girl a hard time over dessert.’ She plonked herself down on the rug, tucking her bare legs underneath her. The front of her dress gaped a little, giving him a view of one more delicious inch of flesh above her knee.
‘Actually, I might be. Tonight I’ll make an exception.’
She laughed, leaning towards him. ‘Three-point-four.’
‘Three-point-four, what?’
‘My cholesterol level. Three-point-four.’
‘Not bad.’ Ethan chuckled at her outraged look. ‘All right, then, it’s pretty good. That’s not all there is to it, though. But there’s nothing wrong with something sweet from time to time, as long as you don’t overdo it.’
She giggled, and Ethan’s heart began to thump in his chest. Surely he could believe his own judgement. A little of Kate’s sweetness...?
* * *
Ethan had ignored all her protests and insisted on driving her home. Kate hurried up her front path, aware that Ethan was watching her from his car, and waved to him before closing the front door. This evening had been lovely and she hadn’t wanted it to end.
But all good things did come to an end. Maybe that was what made them good, leaving while you still wanted more and before the inevitable disappointment of real life set in. She automatically walked to the back door, hardly looking at it before she turned away to make her way upstairs, still lost in the dream that centred around Ethan.
The doorbell rang with pause between the ‘ding’ and the ‘dong’ as if someone had kept their finger on the bell for a little too long. Kate walked back downstairs, taking her phone from her bag as she went and stood in the hallway, staring at the front door.
‘It’s Ethan.’
His voice sounded muffled by the wooden barrier between them.
‘Oh! What...what do you want?’ She knew exactly what he wanted. Or rather she hoped she knew.
Kate opened the door and found him leaning against the entrance to the porch.
‘I’d really like to come in.’ His eyes were dark, his blond hair highlighted by the light from the hallway.
‘I’d really like you to come in.’
For a moment they both hesitated and then Ethan stepped over the threshold, closing the door behind him. One of his hands drifted to her waist, his fingers brushing the fabric of her dress, and Kate felt her heart thump in her chest.
‘Ethan, I... You know I get frightened at night sometimes. That’s not why I want you here and—’
He put his finger across her lips. ‘And I get lonely. That’s not why I want to be here with you.’
‘Why do you want to be here?’
He pulled her close in a sudden, powerful movement that left no room for doubt. Ethan wanted her and she wanted him back.
Kate pushed him back against the door in her eagerness to kiss him. Felt his chest move in a low sigh which sounded like the sudden release of everything that had kept them apart.
They were both trembling, with arousal and...something else that wasn’t quite fear and wasn’t quite shyness. It was the hesitancy of having been wounded. But Ethan’s hands, his lips, gave her courage. Everything around them began to blur, leaving only him in sharp focus.
She broke away from him, backing towards the stairs, her finger crooked in an invitation to follow. ‘Come upstairs...’
He moved fast, but not fast enough. Kate eluded his outstretched hand and ran up the stairs. He caught her at the top, backing her towards the bathroom.
‘Wrong way.’
He grinned as Kate pulled him towards the bedroom door.
It seemed as if it were another lifetime when she’d last had a man in her bedroom. But, when Kate suddenly didn’t know what to do, Ethan did. When he pulled his shirt over his head, the need to see and touch washed everything else away.
‘You are beautiful.’ He was broad-shouldered, skin the colour of honey. He was a perfect man, made even more perfect by the touch of the sun and hard physical work. She felt soft skin and the flex of muscle when she ran her fingers across his chest.
Ethan wrapped his arms around her, loosening the pins which held her hair back from her face. ‘You have gorgeous hair...wonderful lips and...’
He tugged gently at the zip on the back of her dress. When Kate kissed him, he slowly drew it down. He made her feel beautiful—undressing her slowly, whispering his appreciation for every part of her body.
It would only take one more step—a few more scraps of clothing and then the delicious slide of his skin against hers. But it wasn’t easy to take that step, for either of them. There was too much fear and too much pain. Too much wanting to be free of it and not knowing if they could.
Kate reached up, caressing his cheek. ‘I can’t think of one thing that could happen between us tonight that wouldn’t be okay.’
‘So you have no expectations? A guy could feel hurt.’
‘I have expectations. I just want you to know that you tip my world upside down. And, if I falter, then it’s not because anything’s wrong. I’m just feeling my way.’
‘Which makes us free. We can be whatever we want to be.’ He brushed his lips against the lobe of her ear.
He understood. That was all she needed. She kissed him, her fingers touching his cheek, and he groaned, his body growing harder.
‘I love the way I turn you on.’ The thought that just her touch could arouse him so much make Kate’s head spin.
‘I’m not always this easy.’ He chuckled, nipping the lobe of her ear.
‘Just with me?’
‘Seems that way.’
‘I like that even better...’ She caught her breath as he lifted her up, laying her down on the bed.
* * *
It occurred to Ethan, during the brief moments when he could think at all, that this dizzy, heady reaction was just the result of an instinctive craving to feel the touch of someone’s skin against his. But he knew it wasn’t. Only Kate could have made him turn his car around and do the unthinkable.
He’d thought that learning to love was a one-time thing. Done, then broken and now forgotten. But with Kate he knew that he could learn again.
And tonight was all about Kate, only about her—the way she moved, the light in her eyes and the softness of her skin. And, more than that, it was about her gentle nature—the way she made him feel that there was no fixed outcome for tonight, just a sweet exploration of possibilities.
They made love, staring into each other’s eyes, feeling the warmth grow into an intoxicating heat. When she came it seemed almost as if it had taken her by surprise, somethi
ng that hadn’t been sought or worked for, but an expression of how she felt at that moment.
He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his back. One moment, just enough to kiss her as he felt the pulse of her body weaken again. Then feeling robbed him of any thought, other than the knowledge that when he cried out he called her name.
They clung together for a long time and then she moved away from him, curling up on her side of the bed, watching. When Ethan reached out to her, she twined her fingers through his.
Her brilliant smile told him all he needed to know. Drawing her close, he folded his arms around her.
AT SOME POINT all the uncertainty had gone. How much Ethan was willing to give, and what he wanted to keep. When they’d curled up together, after that first time, it had been clear that he was ready to give everything.
‘Favourite...food.’ They’d already covered films, books and places, and now Ethan’s lips twitched into a knowing smile.
‘You heard my stomach rumble?’
‘No. But, since you always seem to be hungry, it’s a question that interests me.’
Kate thought for a moment. ‘At the moment... Something cold.’
‘Ice cream. Have you got any?’
She jabbed her finger against his shoulder. ‘Do I have ice cream? I just made love with you. Don’t make me think you don’t know me at all.’
‘I thought you might have eaten it all.’ He laughed, pulling her close for a kiss. ‘How many flavours?’
‘Chocolate.’ He brushed his lips against hers, and she felt a tingle run up her spine. This was actually far better than chocolate ice cream. ‘Caramel?’
‘You do know me, then.’ It felt as if Ethan knew her better than anyone. ‘Care to take a guess at the other one?’
‘Passion fruit?’ His innocent blue eyes suddenly turned wicked, and Kate felt his hand slide down her back. This was a new Ethan. One who didn’t hesitate, but who trusted himself enough to take what he wanted. That was a good thought.
‘No passion fruit. I have strawberry, though.’
‘Just as good.’
He made it better than Kate could ever have imagined. A cold spoon trailed across her skin. Ethan’s lips made her shiver and melt, all at the same time, and when he rolled her onto her side, running his tongue down her spine, she gasped.
‘You like that?’
No need to answer. Kate felt him brush her hair forward, over one shoulder, exposing the back of her neck. Then his arms slid around her, one around her waist, the other hand cupping her breast. Heat engulfed her and she relaxed in his arms as he kissed the back of her neck.
‘Not fair...’ She wanted him to feel this trembling desire too.
‘What isn’t fair?’
‘I can’t touch you...’ Her hands groped for something to hold on to and found only a pillow to grab. His hands moved, caressing her, and another jolt of pleasure made Kate squirm.
‘And when you do?’
‘I’ll pay you back, Ethan.’
‘Oh, yes? How, exactly?’ He rolled her onto her back, covering her body with his. ‘I want all the details.’
He loved this as much as she did. This long, slow burn, which turned the ache of wanting him into drawn-out pleasure. It ebbed and flowed between them, whispers and kisses, caresses. When finally Kate pushed him down onto the bed, reaching for the condoms on the bedside table, her shaking fingers fumbled with the foil packet and he took it from her.
He pulled her on top of him, a sharp sigh escaping his lips. ‘Let me look at you. Just for a moment.’
His clear-eyed gaze said the words before he could speak. ‘You’re so beautiful, Kate.’
She believed it. Somehow making do with a glance in the mirror had slipped away, and she knew that in Ethan’s eyes she was beautiful. And she trusted Ethan.
‘And you are...perfect.’ She ran her fingers across his chest. ‘Just perfect.’
He moved beneath her and the slow burn began to turn into a fever. He was just perfect.
* * *
Well-made beds were over-rated. Cushions and pillows in complementary colours piled at the head were just an unnecessary complication and had found their way unheeded onto the floor. Just two crumpled sheets mapped out the course of their love-making last night and they were more than enough to make Ethan smile this morning.
He disentangled his foot from the corner of the sheet that covered them. Almost covered them. Kate looked like a Botticelli angel, white fabric draped around her body, her arms and legs bare. Ethan leaned over and kissed her, and she opened her eyes.
‘Sorry to wake you this early. But I’ve got to go.’
She nodded sleepily. ‘Sam?’
‘Yes. It’s a thing we have—breakfast.’
‘It’s a good thing. Go.’
He wished that he could have a breakfast thing with Kate as well. That he could stay here, raid her kitchen and make more than she could eat. It was a challenge, but one he would be more than willing to take on.
But, however hard he tried, he couldn’t be in two places at once.
‘Go.’ Kate had seen his hesitation and was smiling. ‘Here, take this with you.’
She pressed a kiss onto his lips and all the warmth of last night, everything they’d made together, flooded back into his senses. He felt her gaze follow him as he got out of bed, and gathered his clothes up from the floor. Instinctively his pace slowed a little.
‘Watching you get dressed is almost as good as watching you get undressed.’ Kate was propped up on her elbow, grinning broadly.
‘Care to give me a hand?’ One of the buttons of his shirt had been almost wrenched from its moorings, after he’d tugged impatiently at it last night. Even that small detail of a memory made him smile.
‘No. I’m fine right here.’
She was better than fine. Sleepy-eyed and still half-wrapped in the sheet, she was gorgeous. Only one thing could stop him from tearing his clothes off and making love to her again.
‘Stay right there. I’ll call you later.’ He bent over, planting his hands on the mattress on either side of her body.
‘Video call?’
He grinned suddenly. ‘In that case, I’ll call earlier.’
She stretched lazily. ‘Don’t rush. I think I’ll have a lie-in this morning.’
Ethan chuckled, dipping to kiss her forehead. He was already mentally counting the minutes that it would take to go home, shower, then get to his parents’ house and make breakfast for Sam. Then find a secluded spot in the garden to make his call.
‘Where’s your phone?’
‘Downstairs, I think. I took it with me when I went to answer the door.’
Ethan found her phone on the hall table, switching it on briefly to check it was charged. Then he brought it upstairs and put it down on the empty pillow next to her. One last kiss and then he tore himself away from her.
* * *
Kate’s phone rang sooner than she’d expected. She jabbed at the ‘answer’ icon, wishing she’d thought to get out of bed and untangle some of the knots in her hair.
He was sitting in the morning sunlight, a neat garden in the background, grinning. ‘Hey there, beautiful.’
Kate ran her hand across her unruly curls and he chuckled.
‘Don’t! I’ve only just woken up again.’
‘I can see that. It really suits you.’
She raised her eyebrows. ‘What, my hair all over the place?’
‘Especially that.’ The slight quirk of his lips told Kate exactly what he was thinking. To be honest, she was thinking the same right now. But last night was...last night. Neither of them had said anything about this morning, and it was uncharted territory.
‘You got back in time for Sam?’ Kate decided
to play it safe.
‘Yes. He’s eating toast with my dad at the moment. They’re discussing their project.’
‘What on earth is the project?’ Whatever it was it seemed to be taking a bit of time and energy. This was the second Saturday running that Sam had stayed at his grandparents’.
‘They’re making a space station for superheroes. It’s in the field at the end of the garden.’
‘Really? How big is it, then?’
‘It’s about the size of my conservatory, only the roof’s not quite so high. Apparently, I’m surplus to requirements at this stage, but I might be needed later for some of the heavy work.’
Kate chuckled. ‘Too bad.’
‘Yeah. A year ago he thought I knew everything about everything. Now there are a whole range of things I don’t know about.’
‘Do you mind?’ Kate settled back against the pillows. This was nice, warm and friendly, a different strand of intimacy from the one they’d had last night.
Ethan shrugged. ‘Yeah, I mind. I’m trying not to, though, because I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
He fell silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on her. If he asked her to lose the sheet that was currently wrapped tight around her, she’d do it in a heartbeat. But that would be less, somehow. It would break this new bond that was forming between them.
‘So, what are you doing today?’ Ethan seemed to understand that too, and his question made Kate smile. It had been a long time since anyone had been much interested in what she did on her days off.
‘The usual. Shopping. Washing and ironing...’ Maybe she’d leave the washing until tomorrow. One more night spent surrounded by Ethan’s scent.
‘You said that this weekend might be okay for us to pick up Sam’s puppy.’ There was a sudden tension in his voice. Kate had conveniently forgotten all about that, too afraid to suggest seeing Ethan again this weekend.
‘Yes, I did. If you’re ready to do that, then perhaps we could go over there tomorrow afternoon.’
Ethan nodded. ‘I was thinking, if you’d like to come over tomorrow and have lunch with Sam and me, then we could go and fetch the puppy afterwards.’